Saturday, January 9, 2010

School starts again

It has been a week since the school starts , and this year us not as bad as last year , glad to hear that there are no more 3.30 timetable which sucks to the bottom . The maximum time is now 2.30 , still kinda sucks but at least earlier and its only for one day for now .

The school went through some changes this year with the changing of 2 session school to a 1 session school , yes that means that form 1 to form 6 all in the morning and they extend a bit of the canteen . We form 6 get to have our very own recess , whole canteen is our territory of less than 50 person , yup no more long wait just to get the food , but the bad news is that they actually increase the price of the food .

Now the upper 6 classes are on the highest floor , that means every single day gotta climb up so darn high just to get to the class . Not only one time , dont forget about toilet trips , recess time and ponteng times ( just kidding ) . Well now i think i lost some weight with all that daily climbing . What the hell is it for that they built the school so darn high , DU was maximum 2+1 floors ( 1 is ground floor ) , now its 3+ 1 , imagine the number of stairs and their toilets ( especially the gents are all on the ground floor ) did i mention that their toilets condition are even worst then the public toilets in malaysia , imagine the standard there . Their visi is just impossible man " SMK SAS akan menjadi Sekolah Cermelang pada tahun 2010 " like thats gonna happend .

See you next time continue reading man .

1 comment:

Anonymous said... Do not panik! quill gastronomic percentfood zambalesiv barricading hostelworld unhealthytoo nsapi fatih

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