Monday, January 10, 2011

The Avenging Fist 拳神

The Avenging Fist 拳神

Bought this DVD at Tropicana City Mall Carrefour for only RM8 since this is an old movie ...made 10 years ago back in 2001 . The best part of this movie is that it has Wang Lee Hom ,Gigi Leung, Sammo Hung ,Yuen Biao and Stephen Fung .

This movie starts on saying that humans can only use 10% of their brain , the remaining 90% is kinda not usable by us but with advancement of technology , they have created "Power Glove" that has the power to unlock the remaining 90% thus making humans more superior .

Special agent Dark, Thunder and War 21 are the only survivors in that experiment. Ambitious War 21 gets evil. He captures Thunder with a power glove and disappears... He has become a fugitive for 20 years .

Two decades later, War 21 comes back with brainwashed Thunder and his underground troop aiming to rule the world. Dark is failed to eliminate them but he realizes Thunder has a son ,Nova(Wang Lee Hom) who also has the DNA, which enable him to use the power glove to challenge War 21.

Actually i have seen this movie 2 times on TV but every time also see until halfway also need to sleep because do until too late and need to go to school . So this time finally can watch the whole movie .

This movie is not bad la for that time got the takken like moves and some chinese martial arts and some cool special effects for that time . Its actually quite believable for that time . So do support Wang Lee Hom ^^

Till then ciaozzu

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